The very essence of childhood is uninhibited play, exploring the unknown and the first casualty of such play is the very Asian-painted walls of the house. A fifteen minute power-nap on a rainy afternoon saw moi wake up to an industrious worker doing a modern day sketch on a nice blue wall with a nice brown crayon.
An exasperated gasp escaped my throat as i saw a messy wall develop right in the middle of the living area. Not even a year and this!
Even before i could react any further my very hardworking two year old turned around to give me a triumphant smile and a proud declaration of her work-of-art.
Too infectious to stop me from reacting as my gaze alternated between a glare and suppressed laughter.
Toddlers love to play with pen, pencils and crayons and any clean surface seems like an invitation to them to come and write.
Since that episode however i have talked to my little one and after one stray incident she has not repeated it, to make her explore her writing talent i have provided her with drawing books, slate and notepads.
But the writing on the wall remains and is a reminder of a naughty afternoon spent by my kid exploring the wall.
Ah! childhood it is bliss and freedom and every time i have managed to mess out my day, it serves as a gentle reminder that life need not be taken so seriously, nothing's perfect.